Packaging Design

De Mannen van Kaas

Agency: De Mannen van Kaas
October 2019

Since my internship at De Mannen van Kaas, I got familiar with packaging design for the first place. I designed a label for new smoothies that were added to their assortment.

De Bonte Koe

Agency: Freelance (school task)
June 2020

‘De Bonte Koe’ is a chocolate manufacturer that is already located in several places in The Netherlands. From November on, they want to sell ‘pepernoten’ (a Dutch delicacy). The only thing missing was the packaging.

For the gift packaging, I kept ‘recycable’ in mind. The ‘pepernoten’ are in a jar, a packaging that looks durable and beautiful. After you’ve eaten the ‘pepernoten’, you can plant the packaging with some soil in the same jar. After about 2 weeks, a plant will come out!