
I’m a graphic and concept designer from the Netherlands. My clients are from various industries and I specialise in those who work in the area of sustainability.

My name is Morris Vlijm. I come from a small town called Voorthuizen. I am a creative adventurer and always on the lookout for a challenge. My passion is to discover and experience new things and places. A lot of my inspiration comes from architecture, design books, different cultures and people.

I moved to Copenhagen for 6 months in 2020 to get to know all about Danish design. An amazing experience that really taught me to think about design and functionality from different angles. A must visit for a concept designer like me.

I work well alone and also in teams with for example copywriters, editors and photographers. Great ideas appear when brainstorming together. My clients appreciate my proactive attitude to ensure that the project always makes a real impact with the intended audience.


  • Graduated Spatial designer at Nimeto Utrecht
  • Art Direction course at Reducations.
Design Plaza, Seoul
volunteering in South Africa

Happy Clients

Morris is dedicated to succeed, has an eye for detail and always willing to help and learn. It was a great pleasure to have Morris around. His energy and attitude are always positive. Morris is a valuable asset for each team, social and fun to be around. Works hard, takes initiative and owns his projects. Considering Morris for a position? Don’t wait any longer, just offer him the job!

Laura Barens – Houseyourbrands.

Morris is talented, in fact he is really talented with lots of potential to grow to become a top-tier art director in the future. He only requires the right guidance, and time to mature. During his time at Gorilla he completed no less than 3 full brand manuals, and was the graphic lead on a dozen other projects, and solved many ad-hoc tasks along the way. He has proven himself to be responsible, reliable, and a creative talent worth investing in. He is undoubtedly going to bring value to any agency he works for, and I highly recommend him. Invest in Morris, and allow him to grow and in a few years you will have a world class art director.

Alex Sabour – Gorilla Agency Denmark

And who are you?